Planned Giving
Your Legacy Is Our Future
When you extend your support of our organization with a gift in your will, living trust, or through a beneficiary designation, you join a visionary group of donors who have discovered the beauty of these powerful investments.
We invite you to plant a seed today to ensure the ongoing viability of Child Advocates of El Dorado County. By establishing a legacy through a bequest or planned gift, you want to make sure Child Advocates remains strong and vibrant for future generations.
Please join our Legacy Club. By doing so, you will:
- Help ensure every abused child has a CASA, support of our CASA volunteers and ongoing education, and community relations efforts continue to exist.
- Meet emerging future needs in our community.
- Make a difference in the lives of children for many years to come!
We invite you to review the information on this website and consult with your financial advisor or Click here to sign up to join the legacy club.
Your Planned Giving Options
Listed below on this page are all the ways you can use planned giving to leave a legacy.

A future gift to help CASA El Dorado. A bequest is one of the easiest ways for you to make a planned gift.
Charitable Remainder

Charitable Remainder
You transfer cash or property to a trust that pays income for your life or a term of years. The remainder goes to charity.
IRA Qualified Charitable Donation

IRA Qualified Charitable Donation
A gift to charity with a "qualified charitable distribution" or "IRA charitable rollover" from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), and take advantage of tax savings.
Life Insurance

Life Insurance
A donor can designate a charity as a Life Insurance policy beneficiary. When the time comes, CASA El Dorado receives the proceeds.
Real Estate

Real Estate
You make a gift of your home or farm to charity and retain the right to use the property for your lifetime.